Welcome to my Website!

Hey sup my friends. First off, thank you so much for coming to hang at my 40th birthday. Second, please don't share this link.

Let me tell you about Red Parry, the place we're hanging out. Syed (my Babycastles co-founder) took me there a few weeks ago. Check it out here: Instagram. It's some friends of friends of ours that built a bunch of MAME cabinets, and started hosting tournaments of some classic video games.

I don't really know how to play video games that well, but the vibe of this place is fucking magical, and so I'm just hoping to hang out with you all there and catch up. They probably just have simple beers and white claws from a cooler and (if we're lucky - not guaranteed) they make incredible turkey sandwiches on demand. That's the whole setup. I can't even remember if there's music, it might just be us all playing games or catching up with our voices and some game sounds. Whatever it'll be awesome.

Here are AI renderings of what to expect courtesy of OpenAI:

It's usually a $10 donation to enter, so if you can, please give them $10. Otherwise, just come in.

Friday, August 26th
8pm - 11pm
Red Parry

Bushwick, NY

Thanks so much for coming Love, Kunal